Sunday, August 9, 2009

chapter 13 Last Week

my past week can be represented by some words and phrases i heard. it is embedded in my brains that i can recollect it easily. please read it and let me know what u think my week was like

are u mad at me, straight from the heart, BULL SHIT, so cute, 9th best friend, GET OUT, i killed 5 terrorists, SO WHAT, dead line is 9 am, happy friendship day,basic errors, what is news?, we are late, the pics were cute but the best were those lines, you will be fined heavily, love you, hey i got u back, after a Long time, i miss u, school master stuff, deadlines are sacrosanct


  1. well.. I can see tht Ur last week was a hell..So what??? hehe

  2. Wow.... good job... u dint leave even a single word or phrase:) Alas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
