Saturday, August 15, 2009

chapter 14 - Waiting for Noah's Boat

"The world is going to end"
"Yeah right"
"You dont understand... look at all those signs around you, arent they all shouting the same thing... isnt it so obvious? You are so myopic, that is why you dont understand it"
"I see"
"You just shut up ok... just because you dont understand what is going on around you, dont you try to underestimate my findings"
"Dont worry, you'll pass your exam"
"No, everyone is failing in this world. Nothing good is happening here"
"Yeah right!"
"Firstly the recession; everyone lost their job. They dont get new jobs and everything is going haywire, now everyone is confined to their own homes because of Swine Flu, everyone is scared of everyone else. Today some of my seniors got their results. Out of 134 people who appeared for the exam only 2 passed. What do you think about that. It is all going to end. Nothing is gonna work out in the world anymore. What do you think i will do even if i pass my exam? Nothing... it is time we got ready for Noah's boat or worse for the flood to take us away!"
"Yeah i know of that. But we believe at the end of every yuga a huge flood or possibly a tsunami is going to come and wash us all away and then krishna will come in aalila(banyan tree leaf) and thus ends the yuga... may be kalyug is going to end. Kalki might be coming to kill all bad people and thus end the world"

This conversation took place yesterday. The prophesy about the world ending was given by my friend and the indifferent voice is mine.
Though I was indifferent at the time he said that(or rather I was indifferent because he said that) I have given so much of thought to what he said. It is fascinating to just look around and see what is happening around you.

Drought, Swine Flu, Terrorism, Fight Over Oil, War, Poverty, Suicide, Unemployment, Death, Destruction.

When terrorists held our country hostage for over 2 days i said to myself - 'kalyug'
When recession hit the world and i saw well qualified professionals being kicked out of their jobs, I said to myself - 'kalyug'
When I counted to myself people dying one by one and as the death toll due to swine increased, I said to myself - 'kalyug'
When I saw hospitals overflowing with masked people trying to confirm they are not suffering from swine flu I said to myself - 'Kalyug'
When I saw the anchors of TV channels scream 'Do Not Panic' with face full of panic I was too fed up to say 'Kalyug'
How do I know it is not the end? How do I know kalki is not operating this entire drama behind the screens and laughing at us for being what we are...

It is not scary it is fascinating...

May be it is all going to end pretty soon...
What will I like to do before it ends?
No No No... its too personal to be revealed here...
It is fascinating to know death and destruction awaits us at the next bend...

fascinating it is...


  1. Donno the basics of blogging.But:-
    I know it's difficult to edit the whole blog. But try avoiding it in upcoming posts.

  2. thanks... will work on it now itself!

  3. The fact of life is - Every person is born to die.

    Its best not to sit and worry about what is uncertain. Instead try to live in the present and make each day count!

  4. this was one gud blog which i liked to read..tht too at such a situation whn i was readin it.. Keep it up..the standard!!..
