Sunday, November 20, 2011

Encounter with Love

I realise that whatever I write tend to center around love. It is funny especially because I am one person who stoutly denies the existance of the same in its pure form. Well, I will have to counter myself, because I recently met love in its purest form. I didnt see it in a person, I saw it in a pair of eyes.

I dont't know how we became friends. It was such a natural process that we were really close before i was conscious about it. It happened so swiftly and smoothly.
Within a month I knew most about him, and we used to talk endlessly. It was one such day that I had the encounter with love. He was talking about death. He was talking about life after death and what I saw in his eyes was love. I recognised it the minute i saw. There it was... the eyes full of love. He continued to talk about death and all I could see was love. I knew he was thinking about his estranged lover, that he was feeling it all again, and i could see it in those eyes. And then I realised it exists, and i felt bad for the girl. She was not blessed enough to have it. I wondered why he sees death in love and why he confuses love with death. I could see the longing, a full heart and myriad emotions all in those eyes and he was talking about cancer(read as death). On a completely different occasion, he was talking about how he had to let her go, and then he talked about suicide and i saw it again.He was looking at me, but he was seeing something beyond... I saw the longing... I saw it and I felt it... and now I know it exists.

1 comment:

  1. Very beautifully written...
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